Benefits of Clear Aligners in Draper, UT

Do you have something about your smile that makes you feel self-conscious? You don’t have to be self-conscious, even if you are undergoing orthodontic treatment. With our popular Clear Aligners in Draper, UT, you can benefit from effective and discrete treatment.  

Clear Aligners is the Clear Alternative to Braces

For adults and teenagers, Clear Aligners is a popular treatment option. It straightens teeth gradually without using metal braces or wires by using clear, removable aligners. Because Clear Aligners are nearly unnoticeable, you’ll be able to smile often during treatment. And following treatment, you’ll find yourself smiling even more. Clear Aligners straightens your teeth nicely.  Using and cleaning your aligners is a breeze too. You can eat, drink, brush, and floss normally with Clear Aligners because they are removable. You won’t have to give up your favorite hard or sticky candies or meals, as you might with traditional braces. And did we mention how comfortable Clear Aligners are? They’re composed of soft, BPA-free plastic. There are no metal brackets or wires in your mouth to rub against your gums.  

Clear Aligners Does More Than Just Straighten Teeth

Clear Aligners straightens teeth just as traditional braces, although we still suggest traditional braces for some orthodontic requirements. Clear Aligners is also an excellent option for correcting a range of tooth issues. It’s fantastic for cosmetic dentistry, but it’s also great for dental health in general. To put it another way, it can help your teeth look, feel, and function better. It can even help with biting problems. For example, if you have an overbite or an underbite, Clear Aligners can help you correct this.  And it may be easier to clean your teeth once straightened by Clear Aligners. With crooked teeth, you may have extra spaces and regions where food, plaque, and bacteria can collect. This puts you at a higher risk of tooth decay.  

What is the Clear Aligners Process?

Clear Aligners treatment at our Draper, UT office is easy. We’ll start by taking a mold of your teeth. We will send the mold to the Clear Aligners lab, where your aligner sets will be custom-made to fit your teeth. You’ll wear each aligner set for around two weeks before going to the next set. This means you’ll get a fresh aligner about once a month. The aligners are crafted by Clear Aligners to guide your teeth in the desired direction gently. You will notice a gradual alteration in your teeth after wearing them. And you won’t have to visit the office for periodic wire adjustments like traditional metal braces because Clear Aligners does not need any wires!  

Cleaning Your Clear Aligners

Cleaning Clear Aligners is similar to brushing your teeth. In fact, you can continue to brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and floss once a day after removing the aligners. Rinse your aligners with water at the same time. Brush them with a soft-bristled toothbrush that isn’t the same one you used to brush your teeth. Instead of using toothpaste to clean the aligners, use a moderate, clear liquid soap to remove debris or food particles. Then re-rinse them to clear the soap.  

Clear Aligners Comes With Benefit After Benefit in Draper, UT

You want people to notice your smile, not your braces. With Clear Aligners, people can see your beautiful smile even while wearing your braces. Let Oak Hollow Dentistry help you improve your oral health, comfort, and function without the trouble and embarrassment of metal braces.  Call our office now to schedule a consultation with Dr. Trever Hoffman and his team if you’re interested in Clear Aligners treatment. We’ll be pleased to answer any questions you have and assist you in getting started with Clear Aligners.